Three pronged strategy to lose fat fast

The million dollar question of the present generation is how can I lose weight fast?  There are numerous answers and diets to lose weight fast which claims them as the only reliable answer. None of these solutions are fool proof or without any draw backs.  In this article I am going to suggest a three pronged strategy to lose fat fast. This strategy has the following advantages

  • It reduces the appetite considerably
  • I make you lose weight without hunger
  • It improves the metabolic health of the person concerned.
  1. Reduce the intake of sugars and starches

Sugars and starches are the foods that produce insulin. When insulin goes down, the body starts to burn fats instead of carbohydrates. Insulin is also useful in shedding more sodium and water out of the body. This reduces unnecessary water weight. It has been found that a weight loss of up to 10 pounds can be obtained in the first week of following the above diets to lose weight fast.

  1. Eat vegetables, protein and fat

Construct your meals in such a way that it includes enough protein source, fat source and low calorie vegetables. This will help to bring the carb intake to 20-40 grams per day. Beef, chicken, pork etc are good protein sources. Similarly sea food and eggs are also good protein sources. Include plenty of low calorie vegetables like broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage etc in your daily diet. Good source for fat includes coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, butter etc.  Eat three meals per day. If you still feel hungry you can go for fourth meal also. This is the simplest answer to the question how can I lose weight fast.

Try weight lifting 3 times per week

In addition to changes in diet plan it will be better if you do some physical exercise also. The best thing to do will be to go to a gym at least 3-4 times a week. You go do warm up, weight lifting and stretching exercises.  If you are going to gym for the first time, get advice from the trainer and do what he suggests. Weight lifting will be good for burning calories and for slowing down the metabolism. It has established through studies that gaining a bit of muscles can be allowed while losing significant amount of body fat. If you find any difficulty in lifting weight, you can go for cardio workouts like, jogging, running, swimming etc. You can also consult with the best weight loss doctor.

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