
What are the benefits of designer cum builders of the present day?

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Usually architect designs building and houses according to the requirements of the client. After the approval of the design the client enters into an agreement with a contractor. The contractor builds the building/ house according to the approved plan.  This is the common routine followed in house/ building construction. But these days a new group of people known as architect builders are emerging who usually design homes and construct them and hand over it to the owner after completing the entire procedure. Architect builder is evolving very fast and more people want to know the real benefits or engaging such people the construction of their new building.  So in this article I am trying to explain some of the important and well known benefits of engaging an architect cum builder for building a house or a small building.

Home remodeling

Everybody is in the same team:  All the people in a house construction project have to work in tandem with each other for smooth finishing of the project. When architect is acting as the builder there are a lot of conveniences to the home owner as he need not have to explain his ideas to different persons which may lead to misunderstanding etc. In every project there is a tendency to blame some other person for any fault that occurs during project implementation. In this case blaming somebody else is not possible as the designer is the constructor of the house also. Everyone has to be responsible for what he is entrusted with and nobody can point his hands to somebody and escape criticism.

Benefits of hiring professional builder

One person is accountable for all actions, Things like the cost of the house, the timeline fixed for completion and the end result are determined and controlled by the same person and it necessitates proper accountability. All expenses connected with the project have already been taken into account in the early stages of the process itself. In other cases most often remodeling is necessitated which incurs heavy expenditure. In design and build concept no remodeling can be considered as it focuses on results and as such no excuses are acceptable here.

In design and construct type of building construction the person engaged is involved from the early stages of conceptualization to the final stage of painting and polishing. As all the works are under the control of a single team, continuity is felt in such construction. This helps to minimize any duplication or excess work done unknowingly.

Firms acting as architect builders near me are having experts in both the fields. The protagonists of such firms should be licensed architects with formal training and experience in architecture. They should also have enough knowledge about pricing, sequencing and how buildings are constructed. In short they should be professional structural engineers also. In the present scenario, we are able to notice that some architects are trying to become contractors or undertake design-building operations. Similarly we are seeing some builder all of a sudden becoming designers of small building or houses. But when an experienced and qualified architect is becoming a design-build operator after studying and engaging in small building construction works, we need to welcome such personalities as they will be very helpful to the new family people planning to construct their houses.

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