
The Voting rivals of Mrs. Clinton at the polls

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The campaign team for the Hillary Clinton polls for the year’s 2016 presidential polls may be feeling quite confident and robust about the upcoming elections. That’s because Team Hillary is looking the favourite quiteto take the top step easily at the DNC meet up July next year. She is all certain to make sure that she can become the top candidate for the Democrats for the next year’s election.

Hillary Clinton polls

So, let us take a look at the opponents she is up against. We will not only look at her rivals from her own Democratic party, but we’ll also weigh up her chances against her contemporaries from the Republican side.

Rival Number 1- Bernie Sanders (D)

The main rival, as predicted by many beforehand, of Clinton is actually Sanders. Sanders is going all guns blazing in order to win the Democrat primary. The old timer is making sure that Clinton gets a very tedious challenge and even difficult debates during the Democratic primary rounds. The DNC event at Philadelphia will certainly be quite exciting, as the chances are that Clinton might just get a tough fight for it thanks to ol’ Bernie.

Rival Number 2- Joe Biden (D)

Surprise, surprise, the Vice President of the United States of America actually wants to go one better this time around. Yes, he has agreed to run finally for the becoming a supreme leader of the world, and his candidacy really packs some weight. Even though Biden has arrived late to the game, but it is believed that he can easily topple the tables up anytime. The Biden-Clinton fight at the top is going to be really exciting, as Clinton will surely get a good, tough debate and arguments from him.

Rival Number 3: Jeb Bush (R)

Trying to be the 3rd Bush at the top of the league is not an easy thing to do. Jeb is trying to emulate his father and also his brother, and succeed President Obama to bring back the Republicans to power. The fight between Bush and Clinton is really something to look forward to at the final rounds.

Rival Number 4: Donald Trump (R)

High flying Trump can become the fiercest rival of Clinton during the Republican and Democratic faceoff. Trump is quite eccentric and exuberant in nature; however Clinton is the one who has the experience to handle pressure as she has done so previously with several of her previous postings.

So, there you have it, this is how Hillary Clinton electoral map may look right after July of next year against her rivals.

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